In our working groups everybody is welcome to engage. For every working group we have a member of our executive council is designated as contact member.

Equal opportunities

The Equal Opportunities Working Group of Bundesverband Promovierende is actively committed to raising awareness in the research and university context. We focus on the unequal conditions, under which doctorates are completed, and draw attention to the challenges posed by age, chronic illness, disability, social background and classist contexts. Of particular importance to us is the intersectional perspective, which highlights the many intersections of origin, health, social conditions, ethnicity and gender. Our aim is to raise awareness of these inequalities and to show how they influence the doctoral phase.
If you are interested, just write to us:


This group is the central working group of the Executive Council member for programmatic questions. It keeps an eye on current developments that are relevant to doctoral researchers (e.g. in education politics), advises on the foundation of new thematic working groups, and formulates short-term statements on the behalf of the Executive Council. The WG Programmatic meets digitally every 6 weeks. If you are interested in joining, get in touch via email:


This group is a thematic working group of the Bundesverband Promovierende that deals with the need for reform of doctoral scholarships. Scholarship holders are generally not covered by social security, receive too little money, are rarely well integrated into their research institutions, have to look for follow-up funding earlier and are paid unequally. This applies both to BMBF-funded scholarships and to scholarships from other institutions. The working group is developing statements and reform proposals. If you are interested in participating, feel free to contact us:

Doctors council starter kit

The interest group of doctoral researchers already has a good position at a lot of institutions and universities. But at too many locations the large group of PhDs is still excluded from important decisions. In this working group, we want to discuss how we can help local representations to build strong doctoral council.

Exchange about local activities

At a lot of universities and institutes, there are already well working doctoral representations. In this working group we want to exchange about events and action concerned with higher education to work how we can support local representatives.

Mental health

Many people in academia are fighting with mental constriction or sicknesses. In this working group, we want to discuss how we can engage in a change for a better handling of this important topic.