Volunteer opportunities

Below you can find volunteer positions for specific tasks that we would like to fill. Most positions don’t require any experience, as we are happy to teach you the skills needed for the tasks. If you’re interested or want to know more, please write an email to the contact listed, as you’ll be directed to the leadership responsible for the position.

Working Group “How to proko”

Tasks: Research and Create a best practice on running a doctoral representation, eg. what officers are needed, which university stakeholders need to be contacted, which events have been successful. 
Requirements: none
Dedication: flexible
Contact: mitgliederbetreuung@promovierende.de

Working Group: Programmatic

Tasks: co-authoring short statements, participation in drafting of long-term goals, taking responsibility by having an eye on current affairs.

Requirements: Motivation to change doctoral researchers‘ working conditions, willingness to take responsibility for small tasks.

Dedication: 1 hour/month for regular meetings + a bit of preparation, ~ 1 hour/month for irregular meetings + ~ 1 hour preparation

Contact: programmatik@promovierende.de

Working Group: Scholarship Conditions

Tasks: researching scholarship conditions, formulating parts of a statement or other document, providing feedback on the drafts of other members.

Dedication: 1 hour/month for meetings, 1-2 hours/month on small tasks and meeting preparation.

Contact: programmatik@promovierende.de

Website staff

Tasks: learn and maintain the infrastructure of this website through WordPress
Requirements: None
Dedication: around 4h per month, flexible
Contact: it@promovierende.de

Data protection staff

Tasks: Review the data protection disclaimers and policies for the Bundesverband Promovierende
Requirements: Native German
Dedication: around 4h per month, flexible
Contact: it@promovierende.de