Interview campus.leben about the new doctoral council at FU Berlin

16.04.2024 – This Mai the „Freie Universität Berlin“ is going to elect a doctoral council for a first time. This is a great development. In this context our very own Benita Schulz (second spokesperson) was invited by campus.leben to discuss together with Markus Edler, the managing director of the Dahlem Research School of the “Freien Universität Berlin”, about the chances and the design of such an doctoral representation.

In the online magazine of the FU Berlin Benita Schulz pointed out how important it is to have a representation of interests specific for doctoral researchers and that our aim as German-wide association is to connect those:

“If someone from Cologne reports about problems, it is highly probable that someone from Jena, Hamburg or Tübingen has the same difficulties. This is what make networking in the German-wide association so worthwhile: we can bundle, process and work together on those topics.”

The full interview can be found on the website of the FU Berlin via the following link.